Cardiff Blues principal sponsor, bmibaby, is giving away 5 pairs of tickets to see the Blues versus Edinburgh Celtic League clash on Friday 28th January (ko 7.05pm).
To enter answer the question below and send your answer to with the subject title: tiny’s ticket giveaway. Don’t forget to also include your name, address and contact telephone number.
Q) After his brace of tries against Connacht, how many tries has Dean Dewdney now scored this season?
a) 1
b) 2
c) 6
Closing Date: Thursday 27th January at 5pm.
Winners will be announced at lunch time on Friday 28th January and tickets will be available to collect later that day from the ticket office.
You can read more about Dean Dewdney including his player profile and statistics in the Rugby section, accessed from the Main Navigation Menu.
NB: Usual Cardiff RFC Ltd terms and conditions apply. Competition winners should check their email account for confirmation of prize. does not take responsibility for informing competition winners of their success.
For more information on bmibaby, the airline with tiny fares, visit