Cardiff Blues are pleased to present a fantastic opportunity again this year for young players wishing to get involved with the team.
The Blues require responsible and reliable supporters aged between 11-15 years to become Cardiff Blues ball boys and girls for the 2006/07 season.
Each youngster must be able to follow instructions, work as a team member and at all times be safety conscious. Last season The Blues played fourteen home matches at Cardiff Arms Park and one in the Millennium Stadium, often with evening kick offs, so any interested applicant must be available to attend on each occasion, and arrive one hour before kick off for each game. For this highly coveted position, reliability is an absolute necessity.
To apply you should complete the following sentence below in not more than 50 words and send it to the address below.
I would like to be a Blues ball boy/girl because .
Send application by Friday 11 August to:
David Young, CardiffBlues Vale Training Centre, Hensol Castle, Hensol, Vale of Glamorgan, CF72 8SY marked Blues Ball Boy Application