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Adams insists fearless Cardiff have nothing to lose and calls for Strength Through Unity

First Team News | 7th December 2021

Josh Adams has urged the rugby family to get behind a fearless Cardiff outfit who have nothing to lose against Stade Toulousain in the Heineken Champions Cup on Saturday (1pm).

The British & Irish Lions wing is one of a handful of first team regulars available to face the reigning French and European champions with 32 teammates in quarantine and others unavailable due to injury or suspension.

It is a daunting challenge for the self-proclaimed Cardiff Rugby misfits but Adams believes the playing squad can be galvanised by the adversity faced by the club in recent weeks and throw caution to the wind in front of a fired up Arms Park crowd.

He said: “Ideally we've had everyone back on home soil preparing for Saturday and that's not the case. I don't think there's ever been scenario like this, boys stuck in the other countries unable to come home - the country turns to red list, quarantine it's a mad scenario really. 

“It's important the lads who didn’t travel to South Africa just bring a lot of excitement to this week as best we can encourage the young academy boys who are training with us can go out and play with no fear. 

“There's no pressure on us, I am sure everybody is expecting Toulouse to beat us but within our inner circle we're quietly confident we can cause them problems.

“Hopefully what has happened can galvanise us and our support. Being in a scenario like this you'd like to think the extra one or two might come just to support us see some new faces, see academy talent as well. 


“As a club to have that support on Saturday would mean the world to us as a team. They can help us through the tough moments and there will be some but with our home crowd behind us hopefully we can have some good moments ourselves.

“Strength Through Unity is our slogan as a club and I think this week and next week potentially more than ever that will be the case. Spectators, backroom staff, players, academy players all come together and really try to make Saturday a great day for everybody.

"I'm sure there'll be a lot of people playing their first game for Cardiff. We want their family and friends to come down and experience what a sold out Arms Park is like first of all and then to be able celebrate with them afterwards.

"Regardless of what happens we will be proud of them that they've represented Cardiff in European rugby and just to show what it means to play for Cardiff. Some of these lads will potentially make their debuts which will be brilliant.”

Adams will be joined in the starting line-up by a mixture of club regulars, some of the best up and coming academy talent and semi-professional stalwarts with numerous players making club or European debuts.

And for the devastating wing too, it will be uncharted territory as he makes his first appearance in the top tier of Europe, having only previously dazzled in the Challenge Cup for both Cardiff and Worcester Warriors.

He continued: “Talk about being thrown in the deep end, these scenarios come up and I know speaking to these boys they're excited. I just don't want them to get down on themselves, I’ve said if you make a mistake just could going, be naïve in a way and not care who you're facing and we'll try and give you the best platform to showcase your talents 

“The international boys it's up to us really to give these boys a platform to go out and showcase their talent and leave the external stuff to us.

“That fearlessness of youth can be great because sometimes you are just naïve to what you are up against and who you are playing and you just go for it.

"You don't care who is in front of you, and who is in the other team you just go for it and back yourself. This is what I want these boys to do because they've already carved us up a couple of times this week so we've had to be on our toes I'll tell you that.

"They need to keep building on that, keep giving themselves confidence, and us giving them confidence that they are good enough, and they should be here then hopefully they'll show up well on Saturday.

"I don't think anyone has mentioned the scenario we are in it's more just trying to get as excited as we can, be brave, try different things maybe, we have a few things up our sleeve, and maybe have a bit of fun with it as well.

"The situation that we are in is difficult, don't get me wrong it really is but at the same time what an opportunity for some guys and that's how we are trying to approach it.

“Some of these boys will make their Cardiff or European debut, and hopefully at a packed Arms Park, with all their families and friends here. It will be an unbelievable occasion for them, regardless of whatever happens we want to make it a special day for these boys.

"Funnily enough thinking about it, I’ve only ever played in the Challenge Cup for Worcester and here at Cardiff as well.

"It is nice to now be able to say I've played in the top tier of European rugby and there's no better way to start than with the current champions at home."

Adams remains in almost constant communication with his teammates in quarantine, both those in London and Cape Town. 

And while attempts are made to keep spirits high, and the banter between teammates and friends remains typically cutting, he has nothing but sympathy for their predicament and is just grateful he is not in their shoes.

He added: “I don't know how I would have been if I was out there because like you said in the summer I gave up some time. 

“I haven't really thought about it and in a way I'm happy I'm home because if I had to go out there being away from the little one and my fiancée for so long it would have been difficult.

"This is how I'm feeling being sat at home so imagine how the boys out there now are feeling. Its quite difficult for them and we certainly feel for them, as a club all the lads back here looking forward to having them all back”

Tickets for Cardiff Rugby v Stade Toulousain on Saturday (1pm) are available now. Be our 16th man, we need your support more than ever! Call 029 20 302030 or click here.