Munster Rugby 42 - 21 Cardiff Rugby
HT 27-14
Fri 29 April 19:35 Virgin Media Park Ref: Sam Grove-White United Rugby Championship

Cabango rips through the Munster defence and almost breaks clear. He feeds Priestland on his outside, who passes back to Hill on the inside. A sensational basketball-style pass almost finds Cabango but the wing can't keep hold of possession. 42-21 #URC


Try (Opp.)

It looked like Rhys Priestland had dislodged possession but play continues and Munster win the penalty. Casey takes it quickly and slips under Lee-Lo to dot down. | Pumed i Munster ac ail i'r mewnwr Casey. 42-21 #URC


Another promising phase of attack for the Blue and Blacks. Hill and Lane look to catch Munster napping on the blind, and it almost pays off, but the ball pops out of the resulting breakdown. | Cyfle lawr yr ochr dywyll i Lane, ond dim lwc y tro hwn i'r asgellwr. 37-21 #URC


Big steal by James Botham at the breakdown, after Jamie Hill puts pressure on the Munster attack. | Pwysau gan Hill yn rhoi'r cyfle I Botham ddwyn y bêl ar y llawr. 37-21 #URC



Brad Thyer, Jamie Hill and Ellis Jenkins have all come off the bench for the final 15 | Newidiadau i'r ymwelwyr gyda Thyer, Hill a Jenkins yn ymuno gyda'r chwarae. 37-21 #URC


Try (Opp.)

As Munster start to increase the tempo, Carre looks to have nicked it but Munster continue and eventually go over through Casey. | Casey yn sicrhau'r pwynt bonws i'r tim cartref. 37-21 #URC



Injuries mounting as Dillon Lewis is the latest to be forced off with a nasty looking bump. He's replaced by Keiron Assiratti. Meanwhile, Healy adds another three from the boot. | Dillon Lewis yn gadael y maes, gyda Assiratti yn cymryd ei le. 30-21 #URC



Pressure and momentum built through phase play eventually opens space on the fringe of the breakdown, and Lloyd Williams takes full advantage to bring Cardiff back in the contest. | Caerdydd yn adeiladu momentwm trwy gadw'r bel, a Williams yn cymryd mantais o'r gwagle. 27-21


Huge carries from Botham and Llewellyn to give Cardiff an opportunity in the 22. Williams dictates play well from nine as phases hit double figures. 27-14 #URC


An Owen Lane rip is followed up by a clever Rhys Priestland kick, and the Blue and Blacks get change out of the phase as Nash fails to find real distance with his clearance. | Cic Priestland yn rhoi pwysau ar Munster, a mae Caerdydd yn ennill tiriogaeth. 27-14 #URC


Cardiff win a free-kick at the scrum, and Lloyd Williams goes quick. The ball goes wide to Priestland, who threads a kick through for Cabango to chase but the wing is beat to possession by the touchline. 27-14 #URC


Good double hit from Jarrod Evans and James Botham to force a knock on from Healy. | Evans a Botham yn cyfuno yn yr amddiffyn i orfodi'r sgrym. 27-14 #URC


Kick Off

Play restarts at Musgrave Park. | Y chwarae yn ail-gychwyn yma yn Iwerddon. 27-14 #URC


Try (Opp.)

Munster cross as the clock turns red, and this time it's a Healy break that the inspiration. Cardiff scramble but Munster provide quick ball and eventually it's Thomas Ahern who crashes over from close range. | Thomas Ahern yn croesi cyn yr hanner. 27-14 #URC


Cabango passes his HIA and returns to the field. | Cabango yn dychwelyd i'r maes. 20-14 #URC


Penalty Goal (Opp.)

Another penalty from Healy opens up a six-point gap on the scoreboard. | Chwe pwynt ynddi ar ol cic gosb diweddaraf Ben Healy. 20-14 #URC



Theo Cabango is off for a HIA and replaced by Garyn Smith | Anaf i'r pen i Cabango, a Garyn Smith sydd yn cymryd ei le am y tro. 17-14 #URC


Try (Opp.)

Despite an important tackle from Cabango on the right, the ball is shipped to the other end, and Mike Haley spots the space to cross for his second as Munster regain the lead. | Haley yn croesi am ail a Munster yn ôl ar y blaen. 17-14 #URC


Jarrod Evans slices through and finds Lloyd Williams on his inside. He offloads to Navidi to keep the attack alive, but O'Donoghue manages to force a knock-on. I'm tired just watching this! | Mae'n waith blinedig i wylio heno! Williams ac Evans yn cyfuno y tro hwn 10-14 #URC


Cardiff causing problems with each attack, but their all-action play opens up a counter option for Munster on the turnover. However, line-speed from Dillon Lewis forces the knock-on. | Mae'r gem yma yn ddi-stop, gyda'r ddau dim yn edrych yn berygl wrth ymosod. 10-14 #URC


Penalty Goal (Opp.)

A Ben Healy penalty makes it a four-point game. | Healy yn ychwanegu tri pwynt gyda cic gosb. 10-14 #URC



Rory Thornton's evening is over as he's forced off with what looks like a blow to the shoulder. He'll be replaced by Matthew Screech. | Anaf yn gorfoi Thornton o'r maes. Screech fydd yn cymryd ei le. 7-14 #URC


Two huge opportunities for Munster are thwarted by massive moments in defence from the backs, firstly from Jarrod Evans and followed by Owen Lane, Hallam Amos and Max Llewellyn. | Y cefnwyr yn arwain y ffordd yn yr amddiffyn. 7-14 #URC



A wonder offload from Amos puts Lane within inches of the whitewash. Cardiff once again with plenty of tempo and front foot ball and a long pass from Evans is enough to put Lee-Lo in for the score. What a game! | Chwip o gem yng Nghorc! Lee-Lo yn croesi y tro hwn! 7-14 #URC


Cabango and Ratti go close with plenty of zip in the attack as Cardiff hammer on the door. Dacey goes for pick-up but is held up, leading to a goal-line drop-out. | Caerdydd yn agos gyda digon o dempo yn yr ymosod, ond Dacey yn cael ei ddal lan. 7-7 #URC


A typical Lee-Lo burst forces Scannell on the back foot and gets over the gain-line. The Samoan is halted, but O'Donoghue is penalised at the following breakdown. | Lee-Lo yn cario yn gryf ac yn gorfodi Munster i ildio'r cic gosb. 7-7 #URC


Try (Opp.)

Farrell and Zebo make dents in the defence as Munster turn the screw. Their persistence pays off as the space is created for Haley to reply immediately. It's all square once again. | Haley yn ymateb ar ôl cyfnod hir o ymosod gan Munster. 7-7 #URC



Lovely play from Hallam Amos to fix the defence before putting Seb in space in the corner, and the lock does enough to power over. Evans with a stunning conversion. Gwaith Hallam Amos yn y 22 sydd yn creu lle i Davies groesi yn y gornel. 0-7 #URC