Cardiff Blues 35 - 26 Scarlets
Fri 11 April 19:10 Cardiff Arms Park Att: 10,216 Ref: Nigel Owens Celtic League

Cardiff Blues 35 Llanelli Scarlets 26

Fri 11 Apr 2008 23:43 Cardiff Blues 35 Llanelli Scarlets 26
Cardiff Blues 35 Llanelli Scarlets 26 Cardiff Arms Park Friday 11 April 7.10pm kick off Magners League Clever sleight of hand by Regan Kick released Duane Peel to score under the posts, with Stephen Jones adding the conversion. Minutes later Jonathan Davies added the second when Stephen Jones cut through the defence to release him. The Scarlets looked threatening and the Blues seemed under pressure. However, great passing by Deiniol Jones and Nicky Robinson released Jamie Robinson who sprinted all the way into the twenty-two. He slipped as he tried to release the ball, which was eventually spread wide to right wing, where younger brother Nicky failed to gather the bobbling ball with the try line in his sights. Jamie was forced to leave the field with a torn groin, Shanklin coming on in his place. A quick penalty by Martyn Williams saw the Blues move into the twenty-two, with inter passing between, Blair, Williams and Robinson. Stcherbina just failed to hold onto the loose ball again with the try-line just yards away. The Blues did however did win a penalty from the scrum with Popham being sent to the sin bin. Blair kicked the points. Again the Blues attacked all the way into the twenty two with a god run by Shanklin followed by good passing by Robinson and Williams. However the scoring pass never came and the Scarlets were awarded a penalty. Much to their frustration the Blues were failing to get into position for the scoring pass. Eventually it came with Gareth Thomas straightening the line and Nick Robinson was on his shoulder to touch down. Blair added the conversion. Again the Blues attacked with the unusual role of Ben Blair cutting through the mid field and Gary Powell charging down the wing. Shanklin seemed to have crashed over in the corner but after referring to the TV ref Nigel Owens awarded a Scarlets scrum. The Blues seemed to steal it and were awarded a scrum of their own. Patient build up by Blues saw them eventually awarded a penalty for offside. They kicked for the corner and for the line out. Eventually Gareth Thomas crashed over but was held up. Twice the Blues had crossed the try-line and twice held up. Tom James eventually gave the Blues the lead showing his power crashing over after some clever ball play by Spice. Blair again added he conversion. Half time Cardiff Blues 17 Llanelli Scarlets 14 The second half started with Tom James gathering a high ball well and attacking at speed. The Blues worked the ball right and eventually won a scrum but the Scarlets cleared. Tom Shanklin then cut through the defence and the Blues looked threatening, attacking the line in what was a high tempo and entertaining game, with both teams looking to run the ball. Again Tom James was a threat throwing a dummy and using his blistering pace. Having beaten his man he passed inside to Marc Stcherbina who touched down. Blair converted. Jason Spice was then shown a yellow card for killing the ball and the Scarlets capitalised instantly. Morgan Stoddart used his pace and passed inside to Mark Jones to finish off the move with a try. The next minute Duane Peel threw a long pass out to Stoddart who sprinted in the corner. Jones was accurate with the kick this time, which gave the Scarlets the lead. The Scarlets looked threatening inside the Blues twenty-two before Shankln intercepted and Robinson released Tom James who sprinted all the way into the Scarlets half. A fantastic break by Richie Rees, bouncing like a pin-ball off the Scarlets defenders, looked promising until he was held short two yards out. Mark Jones was awarded a yellow card for killing the ball and Blair converted to regain the lead. Nick Robinson who was making his first start since November put in an excellent kick to the corner controlling the game. Molitika stole the line out ball and a long pass out by Robinson to Shanklin saw Blair cross over in the corner. Robison then dropped a goal late on to put the game beyond the Scarlets reach. Cardiff Blues 15 Ben Blair 14 Gareth Thomas 13 Jamie Robinson (13off) 12 Marc Stcherbina 11 Tom James 10 Nicky Robinson 9 Jason Spice ( 64off) 8 Mark Lewis (56off) 7 Martyn Williams (c) 6 Mamma Molitika 5 Scott Morgan (64off) 4 Deiniol Jones 3 Gary Powell (61off) 2 T Rhys Thomas (68off) 1 John Yapp 16 TaufÂ’ao Filisie (61on) 17 Gareth Williams (68on) 18 Paul Tito (64on) 19 Xavier Rush (56on) 20 Richie Rees (64on) 21 Dai Flanagan 22 Tom Shanklin (13on) Cardiff Blues Llanelli Scarlets Tries N Robinson x 1 Duane Peel x 1 Tom James x 1 Jonathan Davies x 1 Marc Stcherbina x 1 Mark Jones x 1 Ben Blair x 1 Morgan Stoddart x 1 Conversions Blair x 3 Stephen Jones x 3 Penalties Blair x 1 Drop Goals N Robinson x 1 Jason Spice yellow card