Cardiff Blues 34 - 30 Glasgow Warriors
Fri 20 February 19:05 Cardiff Arms Park Att: 7,603 Ref: Alain Rolland Celtic League

Cardiff Blues 34 Glasgow Warriors 30

Fri 20 Feb 2009 16:16 Cardiff Blues 34 Glasgow Warriors 30
Cardiff Blues 34 Glasgow Warriors 28

Friday 20 February 7.05pm kick off

Dan Parks was first on the scoreboard after succeeding with a 40 yard penalty after Molitika was penalised for collecting the ball from an offside position. The Blues soon struck back after a rampaging run by Xavier Rush opened the Glasgow defence from the resulting ruck, Spice passed out to Blair who in turn found Tom James, who had come in on a clever angle to deceive the Warriors defence and touch down. Blair added the conversion.

The next try was a great individual effort. Rush had once again punched a hole in the Glasgow defence and the ball was spread out to Dafydd Hewitt. The young centre hinted at a pass before shaking off a tackle and drifting inside Stortoni the full back, to touch down under the posts. Blair again converted.

The Blues were now looking rampant and again looked threatening up the blindside, with Gareth Thomas carrying well. The third try came following a great break up field from a line out by Robin Sowden Taylor who drove into the Glasgow twenty two. Eventually the ball came out to Sweeney and then Blair, who fed to Jamie Robinson, who threw a dummy to touch down. Blair again was accurate. Parks struck another penalty back for Glasgow to bring the score on the half to 21-6.

Half Time Cardiff Blues 21 Glasgow Warriors 6

Glasgow came out from the break with a new lease of life and got the first score of the second half after some casual defence from a Dan Parks kick allowed centre Ruaridh Jackson to cross under the posts with park converting. Blair, however, kicked a long distance penalty minutes later.

Glasgow soon struck again, when in the Blues twenty two Parks put in a big up’n’under over the posts, Blair failed to gather and Stortoni touched down with Dan Parks again converting. Blair soon notched a penalty minutes later to bring the score to 27 - 20.

The Blues were making hard work of scoring with passes going behind players and not gaining any momentum. Eventually they spread the ball wide to the left where Jamie Robinson was fed in by Ben Blair and Robinson had the pace to squeeze over in the corner for his second of the night and the Blues forth to secure the try bonus point.

Parks kicked a penalty for Glasgow but a number of substitutions meant the game lost its pattern somewhat towards the end. However, there was still enough time for Glasgow to attack and for Colin Shaw to race over in the corner to give the visitors a losing bonus point in time added on. Parks again added the conversion.

15 Ben Blair 14 Gareth Thomas (68off) 13 Jamie Robinson 12 Dafydd Hewitt 11 Tom James 10 Ceri Sweeney 9 Jason Spice(55off) 8 Xavier Rush 7 Robin Sowden Taylor 6 Maama Molitika 5 Paul Tito (c) (62off) 4 Bradley Davies 3 Taufa’ao Filise (68off) 2 Gareth Williams 1 John Yapp 16 Gary Powell (68on) 17 Ross Johnson 18 Deiniol Jones (62on) 19 Ben White 20 Richie Rees (55on) 21 Nicky Robinson 22 Richard Mustoe (68on)

Cardiff Blues Tries James x 1 Hewitt x 1 Robinson x 2

Penalties Blair x 2

Conversions Blair x 4